Folke Bernadotte Academy

Iraqi Al-Amal Association
Rita (Pseudonym)
Women's rights activist
Mohamed Abdel Hadi Shantir
Political Science Researcher
Abdelkader al Khadiri

Ghassan Aldaoud
Program and Research Assistant
Alice Alunni
Researcher at Durham University
Khalil Dagher
Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF (Lebanon)
Jana Dhaiby

Ahmed Elhadj Taieb
Stop Ecocide Tunisia representative

Tasnym Romdhani
Member of WeStart organization
Sanae A.
Moroccan Researcher

Lilian A. Ghandour
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, American University of Beirut

Mais A.M. Qandeel
Senior Lecturer of International Law and Technologies, Orebro University

Abiodun Abaniwo
Program Manager - Action Against Hunger Nigeria
Diana Abbas
Co-Founder Impact Lebanon
Hassan Abbas
Syrian Researcher and author.

Medani Abbas Medani
Executive Director of NIDAA Organization and Former Minister of Trade and Industry in Sudan

Samer Abbas
Syrian researcher
Mona Abbas Fadhl
Bahraini Researcher and Writer.
Dalia Abd Elhameed
Ahmed Abd Rabou
Visiting Scholar at the Center for Middle East Studies, University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies.
Nadine Abdalla
Assistant Professor of Sociology, American University in Cairo
Bilal Abdallah

Charelle Abdallah
Researcher, Multimedia artist
Adel Abdel Ghafar

Mouaffaq Abdel Mohsen Daqousha
Program Coordinator at the Sudanese Center for Policy Studies
Nayera Abdel Rahman

Mohammad Abdel Salam
Research Fellow at Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Ziad Abdel Samad
Executive Director, Arab NGO Network for Development
Soha Abdelaty

Reem Abdelhaliem
Economics Researcher
Islam Abdelmajid
Yacine Abderahmane
Algerian writer and researcher

Nabil Abdo
Senior Policy Advisor – Oxfam International

Suzanne Abdul-Reda Abourjeili
Faculty member, Faculty of Education - Lebanese University
Eyyad Abdullah

Esham Abdullah Al-Eryani
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Yemen)

Ibtisam Abdulmula
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)

Shahd Abdulrahman
Communications Intern

Carol Abi Ghanem
Social psychologist and strategist

Dana Abi Ghanem
Researcher on Water Injustice in the MENA

Christina Abi Haidar
Attorney at Law, Member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

Sally Abi Khalil
MENA Director – Oxfam International
Marouane Abidouche
Mohammed V University of Rabat

Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi
Co-Director of the Centre for Social Science Research and Action (CeSSRA)

Zeina Abla
Co-Founder, Ebla Research Collective

Roy Abou Chedid
Mayor of Beit Mery

Lina Abou Habib
Director, Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship, AUB

Diana Abou Rjeily
Administrative and Project Officer

Christina Abou Rouphaël
Public Works Studio
Heba Abou Shnief
Research Advisor at the John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement at the American University of Cairo.

Sawsan Abou Zainedin
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Madaniya
Noha Aboueldahab
Fellow, Brookings Doha Center

Youness Abouyoub
United Nations

Yasmina Abouzzohour
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Belfer Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

Osama Abu Bakr
Political Researcher and Director of the Center for Research on Good Governance and Capacity Building

Zahra Abu Taha
MENA Region Program Officer

Maymoona Abu-omair
Coordination leader of monitoring, evaluation and learning activities at MENA Youth for Climate Action

Paul Achcar
Retired Journalist
Moussa Acherchour
Independent researcher
Tewfick Aclimandos

Shahinaz Adel Mohamed Imam
Environmental and climate Lawyer
Amr Adly
Non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center.

Howaida Adly Roman
Professor of Political Science - National Center for Social and Criminological Research, Egypt.

Hanin Ahmad
Syrian civil activist

Asmaa Ahmed
Sudan Country Manager, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Mohamed Ahmed Bennis
Research Fellow, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, Rabat

Dr. Maha Ahmed Khalil
Assistant Professor, Public Administration Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, FEPS, Cairo University

Hind Ahmed Zaki
Consultant at Nazra for Feminist Studies, Cairo, Egypt.

Diala Ahwach
Program Coordinator on Human Rights and Social Justice
Ismail Ait Bassou
PhD Student in Sociology and Anthropology, Mohammed V University (Rabat), Morocco

Ruba Ajjour
Manager of Climate Change Studies Division at the Royal Scientific Society
Maher Akhttiar
Maher Akhttiar is a writer and researcher.
Viviane Akiki
Economic Journalist

Musaed Aklan
Senior Researcher, Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies

Bilqees Al Abdaly
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Yemen)
Assaad Al Achi
Executive Director, Baytna (Syria)
Rasha Al Aqeedi
Senior Analyst and Program Head, Human Security Unit, Newlines Institute

Shukri Al-Hassan

Farah Al Hattab
Independent Legal Researcher

Araa Al Jaramani

Safa' Al Jayoussi
Regional Climate Justice Advisor, Oxfam
Maher Al Junaidy
Researcher, author, journalist, and media consultant
Isam al Khafaji
Iraqi scholar and writer

Islam al Khatib

Almoutassim Al Kilani
Syrian jurist specializing in international law and human rights.
Maged Al Madhaji
Researcher, human rights activist and Director of the Center for Civil Rights and Democracy in Yemen
Hani al Masri
Director of the Bada’el Centre for Information, Research and Studies in Egypt.

Hessa al Noaimi
Co-Founder Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar
Abdul Kafi al Rahabi
Assistant Professor at the Yemeni Center for Studies and Research.
Fatima Al Sayah, PhD
Health services and health outcomes researcher at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta (Canada)

Farah Al Shami
Senior Fellow and Program Director - Social Protection
Ranime Al Sheltawy

Ahmad al Wadaey
Associate Professor of Agriculture, University of Sanaa
Abedbasset al Wasi

Ahmad Al-Ahssab
Yemeni Expert and ARI Non-Resident Fellow

Sasha Al-Alou
Syrian researcher and author of several studies and research papers

Sokrat Al-Alou
Syrian researcher

Ibtesam Al-Atiyat
Associate Professor of Sociology
Mustafa Al-Awik
Editor-in-chief, Lebanon Arabi

Abdel-Nasser al-Ayed
A novelist and researcher in Syrian military and strategic affairs.
Awadh Al-Badi
Research Fellow at King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, Saudi Arabia.
Akram Al-Bunni
Syrian writer.
Elie Al-Chaer
Professor and Chairperson

Maysaa Shuja Al-Deen
Yemeni researcher
Abderrahman al-Haj
Professor at Social Sciences University of Ankara.

Abdul-Ghani Al-Iryani
Senior researcher at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

Omar al-Jaffal
Iraqi journalist

Hanaa Al-Khder
Member of the, Syrian Women's Political Movement

Mohammed Al-Mahfali
Affiliated Researcher, Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies- Lund University, Sweden

Younes al-Marzouki

Ali Al-Mawlawi
Head of Research at Al-Bayan Center, Iraq
Mohamed Al-Mekhlafi

Hadil Al-Mowafak
Research Analyst

Ghassan Al-Mufleh
Syrian journalist.
Abbas Al-Murshid
Bahraini Researcher

Osamah Al-Rawhani
Deputy Executive Director - Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
Hashim Al-Rikabi
Assistant Lecturer at University of Kufa, Iraq

Azhar Al-Rubaie
Independent journalist and researcher
Ibraheem Al-Saadi

Ibraheem Al-Saadi
Research and Communications Intern
Amr Al-Shobaki
Former Egyptian parliamentarian and head of the Arab European unit in the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies.

Azmi al-Shuaibi
Director of AMAN, first coalition of civil society organizations in Palestine.

Marianna Al-Tabba
Independent Syrian researcher and analyst

Nabeeha Al-Taha
Syrian Journalist

Aisha Al-Warraq
Writer and former Program Manager at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

Hasan Latef Kazem Al-Zobadee
Professor of Economic Development at Kufa University and Director of Al-Rafidain Center for Dialogue
Sultan Alamer
Visiting fellow at Center for Middle Eastern Studies - Harvard University
Abdulnabi Alekry
President of the Bahrain Transparency Society.
Ismail Alexandrani
Freelance journalist and field researcher at the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights.

Aziz Alghashian
Fellow with the Sectarianism, Proxies & De-sectarianisation (SEPAD)
Ali Taher Alhammood
Managing director, Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies

Farhan Alhusban
SPP Intern
Dina Ali
Fathi Ali
Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Benghazi, Libya.
Riyad Ali
A Syrian judge

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani
Research Associate

Abdalhadi Alijla
Palestinian Social and Political Scientist

Rim Aljabi
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Syria)

Rozan AlKhazendar
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)

Taif Alkhudary
Doctoral Student, University of Cambridge

Nadia Alkshaik
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)

Saada Allaw
Head of Journalism Department at Legal Agenda, Instructor at Lebanese University, Documentation & Information Faculty, Researcher

Basma Alloush
Advocacy and Communications Officer at the Norwegian Refugee Council USA.

Mr. Farea Almuslimi
Research Fellow at Chatham House, co-founded the Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies
Huda Alsahi
Researcher - Gender & State-Society in the Gulf

Majd Alsaif
Program Assistant (Environmental Politics)

Maha Alsakban
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)

Olla Alsakkaf
Founder and chairperson of Peace Environment for Development
Carole Alsharabati
Research Director, Siren Associates
Jafar Alshayeb
Saudi writer and rights activist

Malak Altaeb
Non-Resident Scholar at the Middle East Institute
Jamal Altahat
Senior fellow in the Institute for Statecraft, London.

Rawan Altakriti
Cultural activist

Tamara Altibi
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)
Hussein Alwaday
Writer and media expert on the reality of the Yemeni and Arab religious movements.
Mohammad Alwuhaib
Professor of political philosophy at Kuwait University and the Head of the Kuwait Center for Active Citizenship
Amal (Pseudonym)
Feminist community and peacebuilding activist, and human rights defender

Aymen Amayed
Former Research Fellow - Environment, Tunisia

Mai Amer
Feminist Researcher
Ahmed Amin
Amine al-Sharif

Mohamed Amine Derkaoui
Communication & Intelligence Manager of the Climate Change Competence Centre (4C)
Ilina Angelova
Sirine Anouti
Public Health Researcher, Lebanese Epidemiological Association

Sirine Anouti
Public Health Researcher, Lebanese Epidemiological Association

Jane Anyango
Founder and Director of the Polycom Development Project

Rachid Aourraz

Arab Reform Initiative

Article 19
Roger Asfar
Syrian journalist and researcher

Maha Assabalani

Nizam Assaf
Director of the Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Lydia Assouad
Research fellow, World Inequality Lab

Lina Atallah
Journalist and Co-founder of Mada Masr

Nidal Atallah
Coordinator of the Environmental Justice Program at the Heinrich Boll Foundation - Palestine and Jordan
Jaime Atienza
Global Debt Policy Lead, Oxfam International
Nidhal Attia
Coordinator of Environmental Program, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North Africa-Tunisia

Ahmed Awad
Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies

Reem Awny Abuzaid
Feminist, socio-legal researcher, PhD student

Gunnel Axelsson Nycander
Policy Advisor – Act Church of Sweden

Chiara Ayad
Project coordinator at the Norwegian Center for Conflict Resolution

Khouloud Ayari
Independent researcher

Dr. Elia Ayoub
Lebanese writer, researcher and activist based in Geneva

Marc Ayoub
Nonresident Fellow at The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
Abdelrahman Ayyash
Egyptian researcher and journalist

Tariq Azizah
Tariq Azizah is a Syrian author and researcher
Maha Azzam
Associate fellow, Middle East and North Africa programme, Chatham House

Suzanne Baaklini
Journalist specialist in environmental issues

Dr. Alaa Badr
Lecturer (Sciences Po Paris)

Cecilia Baeza
Professor of International Relations at Pontificia Universidade Católica and the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo.
Ahmad Baha’eddin Shaaban
Member of the Egyptian Movement for Change “Kifaya”.

Mawada Bahah
Syrian Freelance Journalist
Sami Bahri
Tunisian activist

Alessandra Bajec
Freelance journalist - Tunis

Adel Bakawan
Director, Centre Français des Recherches sur l'Irak
Noha Bakr
Professor of Political Science at the American University in Cairo (AUC)
Zeina Bali
Co-Founder SPACE
Nassim Balla
Independent Algerian researcher and civil society activist

Rawad Ballan
Syrian Journalist
Mohammed Bani Amer

Amjad Bany Issa
Project Coordinator at the Green Generation Foundation
Alexandra Barahona de Brito
Expert on human rights and democratisation issues and on the politics of memory.

Hala Barakat

Ronald Barakat
Executive Director of Lebanese Transparency Association.

Jessica Barnes
Scholar of resource use and environmental change in the Middle East
Wesam Basandu
Yemeni Researcher and Political Writer

Bahar Başer
Associate Professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK
Khayreddine Basha
Tunisian legal expert and writer

Zahra Bazzi
Programs Director – Arab NGO Network for Development

Kristine Beckerle
Social and Cultural Rights Advisor – Amnesty International

Hedia Belhaj Youssef
Program Coordinator, Gender-Based Violence Program, Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR)
Rabia Belhejla

Sarah Ben Ali
Editor-In-Chief at Inkyfada
Tarek Ben Chaabane

Haykel Ben Mahfoudh
Professor of Law in the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences at the University of Carthage.
Ines Ben Saad Nagara
Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishery (UTAP)

Sihem Ben Sedrine
Former President of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD)

Joachim Ben Yakoub
Writer, researcher and lecturer

Sana Benbelli
Professor of sociology, Université Hassan II, Casablanca

Zoubeir BenHadj Yehia
Official Delegate, Tunisian Delegation COP29
Mohamed Benhlal
Said Bennis
Professor at Mohamed V University – Faculty of Literature and Social Science

Myriam Benraad

Mehdi K. Benslimane

Hamza Bensouda
Moroccan student

Ahmed Berkia
Secretary General, Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Alain Bifani
Former Director General of Finance, Ministry of Finance (Lebanon)

Roberto Bissio
Coordinator – Social Watch/ Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF)

Yusra Bitar
Former Research Fellow - Environment, Lebanon
Hameed Bohkak
Research fellow, Centre d’études et de recherches en sciences sociales, Rabat.

Lisa Bossenbroek

Cyrine Bouajila
Architect and professor at the National School of Architecture and Urbanisme (ENAU), Tunisia

Amel Boubekeur
Non-resident Senior Fellow
Redouane Boudjemaa
Professor of Media and Communications, University of Algiers
Sofiane Bouhdiba
Sofiane Bouhdiba is a professor of demography at the University of Tunis, Tunisia.

Chaima Bouhlel

Maha Bouhlel
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities, Manouba University, Tunisia
Salah Boukenia
Algerian economist

Hiba Boulmirate
WPP Intern
Samia Bouslema Ltaief
Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES)

Zied Boussen
Research Fellow - Tunis

Amine Bouzaiene
Expert in Fiscal and Budgetary Policies – Centre Ali Ben Ghedhahem pour la Justice Fiscale (CAJF)

Thierry Brésillon
Freelance journalist

Abeer Butmeh
PENGON Coordinator

Diana Buttu
Ramallah-based analyst and lawyer
Ezzedine C. Fishere
Novelist and a diplomat, teaching at Dartmouth College

Eduardo Cabrita
Member of the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic.

Roberto Cardarelli
Assistant Director to the Middle East and Central Asia Department at the IMF

Natasha Carmi
Lead Water Specialist, Geneva Water Hub

Sara Catherine Mourani
Volunteer Research Fellow, Psychiatry Department, American University of Beirut
Myriam Catusse
Researcher at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Institut Français du Proche Orient (IFPO)
Gavin Cawthra
Chair in Defence and Security Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Hatem Chakroun
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in Tunis and researcher at the Tunisian Monitor of Democratic Transition.

Chérine Chams El-Dine
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University

Adam Chamseddine
Policy advisor at Triangle research center and the host of Al Jadeed TV’s Houna Beirut

Ms. Maria Chatti-Gautier
Specialist in private equity and fund raising for family-owned SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises)

Clemens Chay
Research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute

Olfa Chebaane
Program Coordinator

Kareem Chehayeb
Hafedh Chekir
Demographer and statistician and member of the Observatoire Tunisien de la Transition Démocratique.
Hafedha Chekir
Professor of Public Law and human rights activist.
Rachid Chennani
Massensen Cherbi
Doctor in Law - Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas

Imene Cherif
Economic Policies for Social Justice Program Manager – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in MENA
Anis Chérif-Alami
Farah Choucair
Project Manager, Arab Development Portal (UNDP)

Julia Choucair Vizoso
Non-resident Senior Fellow

Maya Choueiri
Senior Advisor to Executive Director at the IMF

Dr. Karim Choukri
Research Fellow with the Moroccan Institute of Policy Analysis in charge of Energy Policies and Strategies.
Alain Christnacht
Former High Commissioner of the French Republic in New Caledonia and a former Adviser to the State.

Oumar Cisse
Cop28 Youth Delegate, Co-Founder Seedballs Mauritania

Francesco Colin
Visiting Fellow at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-EUR)

Virginie Collombier

Roshan Dadoo
Coordinator, South African BDS Coalition
Georgia Dagher
Political researcher

Leila Dagher
Associate Professor of Economics, Lebanese American University, Adjunct Lecturer, George Washington University (GWU)

Joseph Daher
Visiting professor at Lausanne University, and author of the book ‘Syria after the uprisings, the political economy of state's resilience’
Karim Daher
President, ALDIC

Ghazi Dahman
Syrian writer and journalist.

Farah Daibes
Senior Program Manager, Political Feminism (MENA), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Muna Dajani
Palestinian environmental researcher and activist
Antranik Dakessian
Associate Professor at the Haigazian University in Beirut.

Dr. Leyla Dakhli
Historian in the French Center for National Research (CNRS)

Pedro Dallari
Danish Refugee Council
Sami Daoud
Salma Daoudi

Serene Dardari
Director of Communications
Sabr Darwish
Sabr Darwish is a researcher and journalist.
Fatiha Dazi-Héni
Gulf and Middle East researcher at IRSEM

Gabriel de Lastours
Regional Head of Energy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Aïda Delpuech
Independent journalist
Blandine Destremau

Omar Dewachi
Associate professor of medical anthropology and global health at Rutgers University

Cyril Dewaleyne
Team Leader for Connectivity, Climate Action and Environment, European Commission's Headquarters - DG NEAR (Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Directorate General)

Osama Diab
Expert in Social and Economic Rights

Charlotte Dib
Senior Finance Officer
Eleni Diker
Migration researcher, UNU-MERIT / Maastricht University

Ishac Diwan
Research Director – Finance for Development Lab

Nacer Djabi
Professor of sociology at the University of Algiers II
Daho Djerbal
Assistant Professor and Head of Naqd Magazine, Algeria.

Brookings Doha Center

Nouri Dris
Algerian researcher and lecturer in sociology at Setif University
Siham Drissi
Souha Drissi
PhD student, Tunisia
Mathilde Dugit-Gros

Khawla Dunia
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Syria)

Michele Dunne
Senior Associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Hamdi Echkaou
Al Akhawayn University
Salah Eddin Jorshi
Tunisian Journalist, Researcher and Expert in Islamic movements and Civil Society.

Saif Eddine Gallaoui
President of WeStart organization

Rabea Eghbariah
Palestinian researcher and human rights attorney

Rania Eghnatios
Program Manager and Social Protection Specialist, ILO Regional Office for Arab States

Khoder Eid
Founder, Green Track (Lebanon)
Mohamed El Agati
Director, Arab Forum for Alternative Studies
Samir El Aita
General Director of Mafhoum (Concept) and Le Monde Diplomatique - Arabic Edition

Yasmina El Amine
PhD candidate (UCL) and a research consultant at ARI

Laila El Baradei
Professor of Public Administration, American University in Cairo (AUC)
Karim El Chazli
PhD student in law at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
Yosra El Gendi
Azza El Hajj Sleiman
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Lebanese University
Anas El Hasnaoui
Moroccan researcher

Ghinwa El Hayek
Public Health Researcher, Lebanese Epidemiological Association
Nadim El Jamal
Research Fellow

Soraya El Kahlaoui
Moroccan activist and researcher
Nadim El Kak
Researcher, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies

Dr. Dina El Khawaga
Non-resident Senior Fellow

Pierre El Khoury
LCEC President and Director General
Samer El Khoury
Environmental Activist, Co-founder (Green Mount Recycling)
Amina El Messaoudi
Professor in Consitutional Law, University Mohammed V, Morocco.
Shimaa El Sharkawy
Youssef El-Chazli
Magdi El-Gizouli
Sudanese academic and Fellow at the Rift Valley Institute.

Abdelhadi El-Halhouli
Associate professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Beni Mellal-Morocco

Hossam el-Hamalawy
Egyptian journalist, photographer, and socialist activist
Ibrahim El-Houdaiby
Independent political researcher.

Rola El-Husseini
Associate professor with the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University
Fadi El-Jardali
Professor of Health Policy and Systems, American University of Beirut

Joseph El-Khoury
MD MSc PGCert. (EBPT), FRCPsych

Dr. Noha el-Mikawi
Dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University of Cairo
Noha El-Mikawy
Dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, AUC

Omar El-Shenety

Maryam Elfaki
Sudanese democracy, Social justice, and Peace activist.
Bououchma Elhadi

Dr. Hoda Elsadda
Feminist Activist, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Cairo University and Co-founder of the Women and Memory Forum
ElSayed Mahmoud ElSehamy
PhD candidate, University of Manchester

Tamer Elshayal
Urban planning and development expert
Abd el-Rahman Elzoghaimy
Political Activist.
Moaaz ElZoughby
Former analyst and project manager at Arab Reform Initiative
Fatma Emam
Freelance Researcher and Translator
Belhassen Ennouri

Mohammad Ersan
Editor in chief of Ammannet.net and Radio al-Balad

Ahmed Ezzat
Egyptian lawyer and human rights activist
Heba Raouf Ezzat
Assistant professor of Political Theory and Civilization Studies at ibn Haldun-Istanbul University.

Ibrahim Ezzeddine
Architect and researcher
Hiba Ezzideen
Syrian feminist and rights activist

Hiba Ezzideen
CEO, Equity and Empowerment (Syria)
Georges Fahmi
Researcher at Arab Forum for Alternatives, PhD researcher at the European University in Florence.

Hani Fakhani
Tamirace Fakhoury
Associate professor in Political Sciences and International Affairs

Balsam Faleh Mahdi Ali Al-Tamimi
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)

Nadi Farag
Social Protection Program Intern

Jihad Farah
Scholar of urban planning in Lebanon
Chadi Faraj
Co-founder of "Riders' Rights" and the Network for Mobility Justice

Zeinab Farhat
Program Coordinator - Environmental Politics
Yasmine Farouk
Omar Fassatoui
Human Rights Officer, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Tunisia)
Mohammed Fathy Hassan
Sameh Fawzi
Egyptian Researcher

Ismail Fayed
Independent writer and researcher.
Ali Fayyad
Director of the Studies and Documentation Center, Lebanon.

Dina Fazani
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)

Shivan Fazil
Senior Researcher, Institute of Regional and International Studies
Hakim Fekih
Civil society activist and content creator

Thomas Fibiger
Associate Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Jean-Pierre Filiu
Middle East History Professor at Sciences Po

Andrew Findell-Aghnatios
Senior Programme Coordinator

Luis Fondebrider
Independent Forensic Consultant

Rachel Forrester-Jones
Director and Professor, School of Health Studies at Western University (ON-Canada)

Jeremie Fosse
Co-founder and President, Eco-Union

Fouad Fouad
Co-Director, Refugees Health Program, AUB
Fouad Mohammad Fouad
Surgeon and Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut.

Mohamed Fouad Mohamed Fouad
Associate Professor of Public Health, American University of Beirut

Emna Fourati
Researcher and environmental activist

Dr. Ibrahim Fraihat
Dean & Associate Professor, Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Antonio Franco Garcia
Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF (Lebanon)

Saoussen Fray Amor
PhD student in Sociology at the University of Tunis

Hind Ftouhi
Hassan II Veterinary and Agronomic Institute

Roba Gaafar
Economics Researcher

Mohamed Gad
Economic Journalist

Ehab Galal
Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Wael Gamal
Heba Gamaldin
Bouhania Gaoui

Florence Gaub
Deputy Director, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris

Khalil Gebara
Assistant Professor of Economics at the Lebanese American University

Carmen Geha
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Chiara Genovese
Consortium Manager, CAMEALEON
Nael Georges

Hanin Ghaddar
Managing Editor of NOW – English (mmedia.me) and board member at the Arab Reform Initiative.

Ms. Hanin Ghaddar
Senior Fellow at The Washington Institute's Program on Arab Politics

Alaa Ghanaam
Head of Right to Health Unit, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)

Omar Ghannam
Egyptian political economist

Cyrine Ghannouchi
Research Consultant, Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights (FTDES)
Ahmad Gharbeia
Information activist

Reem Ghassan
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)

Marie-Christine Ghreichi
Campaign and Research Assistant, Crisis Action, New York

Cláudio Gonçalves Couto
Department of Public Management, Getulio Vargas Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil.

KM Gopakumar
Legal Advisor, Third World Network (TWN)

Bouhania Goui
Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Kasdi Merbah University, Algeria.
Moussa Grifa
Researcher, Tripoli University, Libya.

Bridget Guarasci
Anthropologist and scholar of Iraq
Nour Hachem
Project Officer, Siren Associates
Mohammed Hachemaoui
Professor of Political Science at the University of Algeria

Lilian Haddad
Co-Founder Eco-Youth Jordan

Mohamed Haddad
Consultant in public policy assessment and implementation

Said Haddadi
Director of Publications

Lydia Haddag
PhD Candidate

Samah Hadid
Head of Advocacy, Media and Communications - NRC Middle East

Patrick Haenni
Senior Advisor, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD)
Waseem Hafez
A reseacher into Syrian affairs
Nasma Haïdar
Administrative and Financial Director
Issam Haj Hussein
Operations Director for the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN), Palestine.
Firas Haj Yehia
Syrian human rights lawyer.

Yasseen Haj-Saleh
Syrian Writer
Taghrid Hajjali
President, Health and Environment Committee, Lebanese Order of Physicians
Samer Hajjar
Political activist and university professor
Lutfi Hajji
Tunisian journalist and human rights activist.

Mohamed Hakeem
Chairman of the Board of Directors – Social and Cooperative Economy Network in MENA
Fares Halabi
Arab Reform Initiative and active within the Lebanese protest movement

Sami Halabi
Director of Knowledge at Triangle

Hafsa Halawa
Independent consultant and Non-resident Fellow (Middle East Institute)
Fouad Halbouni

Natasha Hall
Senior Fellow With The Middle East Program at The Center For Strategic and International Studies

Amal Hamada
Assistant Professor, Political Science at the Department of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University

Kanj Hamade
Co-founder, Economic Development Solutions (EDS)
Ghassan Hamadeh
Professor & Chair, Family Medicine, CMIO, AUB Medical Center, American University of Beirut

Abdalftah Hamed Ali
Junior Visiting Fellow, Middle East Council on Global Affairs

Hassen Hameli
Radio host & producer at Mosaique FM
Hacene Hami
Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University Mohamed Lamine Debaghine - Setif 2

Abdelali Hamieddine
Professor of political science and constitutional law at the University of Mohammed V, Rabat.
Afef Hammami Marrakchi
Professor at Sfax Faculty of Law

Hamza Hamouchene
Algerian activist and researcher

Salwa Hamrouni

Haithem Haouel
Independent Journalist

Mona Harb
Beirut Urban Lab, AUB

Seham Harb
Retired professor of education at the Faculty of Education at the Lebanese University
Mujahid Hashim Yahia
Shimaa Hatab

Sabine Hatem
Chief Economist – Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan

Laury Haytayan
MENA Director, Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
Mohamed Hegazy
Founder and Director of Transport for Cairo (TfC)
Yasmin Helal
Journalist and researcher
Darine Helwe
Reporter, Sky News Arabia

Mennatullah Hendawy
Co-founder, Cairo Urban AI
Matthew Hendrichs
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Sabina Henneberg
Soref Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Sara Hess
Associate Economic Affairs Officer
Ghazi Hidouci
Former Algerian economy minister.

Wafa Hmadi
Member of the Tunisian Young Climate Change Negotiators group

Salma Houerbi
Independent Researcher

Nadim Houry
Executive Director
Khaled Hroub
Director of the Cambridge Arab Media Project at Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

Hussam Hussein
Fellow of the International Science Council and a research associate in international relations at the University of Oxford.

Salma Hussein

Marwa Husseino
Volunteer, Syrian Civil Defense
Sylvia I. Bergh
Alia Ibrahim
Co-founder, Daraj Media

Fatma Ibrahim
Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Haydar Ibrahim Ali
Director of the Center for Sudanese Studies.

Zakaria Ibrahimi
Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, Morocco

Ayiman Ieweedat Abdullah
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)

Fatna Ikrame El Fanne
Co-Founder, Youth for Climate Morocco

Abeir Imneina
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)
Hussain Isma’eel
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Donia Ismail

Mohamed Ismail Sabry
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
Nahla Issa
Pharmaceutical Consultant
Mayaz Itani
Financial and Administrative IO

Stephen J. King
Professor of Government at Georgetown University

Sofien Jaballah
Assistant professor at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sfax

Hana Jaber
Senior Research Fellow
Hicham Jadaoun

Kawthar Jafar
Syrian civil activist and human rights defender
Wesam Jalahej
Non-resident Fellow

Rana Jawad
Professor of Global Social Policy, University of Birmingham
Emna Jeblawi
Tunisian academic and researcher.

Nadia Jmal
Research Assistant -Tunisia

Wisam Jouda
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)
Murhaf Jouejati

Mohamed Jouili
Professor in Sociology, University of Tunis
Eya Jrad
Researcher and Assistant Professor of Security Studies and Criminal Justice, Tunisia
Vahakn Kabakian
Climate Change Advisor/Project Manager, UNDP, Ministry of Environment

Mounir Kabalan
Journalist, Raseef22
Nawaf Kabbara
President, National Association for the Rights of Disabled People in Lebanon

Oula Kadhum
Mohamed Kadiri
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
Mohamed Kadri Said
Head of Strategic and Security Studies Unit, Al-Ahram Center for Political & Strategic Studies, Cairo, Egypt.
Lea Kai
Manager of UNDP’s Climate change projects at the Ministry of Environment

Fawzi Kalash
Mayor of Bishmizzine

Abdelhak Kamal
Faculty of Economics and Administration, Hassan I University

Mohamed Kamal
Mohamed Kamal, Co-director (Greenish)

Azza Kamel Maghur
Libyan lawyer and member of the Libyan Council for Human Rights.

Tala Kammourieh
Coordinator of Urban Analysis and Policy, UN-Habitat

Rowaida Kanaan
Researcher and journalist

Sarine Karajerjian
Program Director - Environmental Politics

Rony Karam
Founding member and president of the Lebanese Foundation for Renewable Energy (LFRE)
Karam Karam
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies.
Ayah Karra-Aly
Consultant (Intern)
Beesan Kassab

Rayan Kassem
West Asia Regional Director at Youth4Nature

Amer Katbeh
Freelance researcher

Raja Bentaouet Kattan
Program Leader for Human Development – World Bank

Salam Kawakibi
Salam Kawakibi is the Director of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (Paris), and an Associate Researcher at ARI.

Sara Kayyali
Human rights lawyer and analyst

Sammy Kayyed
Senior Expert at UNEP & Cofounder of Environment Academy at the American University of Beirut - Nature Conservation Center
Bilel Kckouk
Sélima Kebaïli
Tunisian sociology researcher

Salman Khairalla
Executive Director, Tigris River Protectors Association (Iraq)
Abdulhadi Khalaf
Bahraini Researcher and Associate Profesor at the Department of Sociology, Lund University.

Safaa Khalaf
Iraqi investigative journalist and independent researcher

Ruaa Khalaf Sharhan
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)

Asma Khalifa
Doctoral Researcher
Mustafa Khalifa
Jade Khalife
Independent Health Expert
Amir Khalil

Omnia Khalil
Lecturer, Anthropology and International studies, City College of New York

Samar Khalil
Environmental Management Specialist

Shady Khalil
Co-Founder, Greenish (Egypt)

Oumaima Khalil Elfanne
Founder and President Youth for Climate Morocco
Zineddine Kharchi
Sociology professor, Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif 2 University

Lina Khatib
Head of Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House, London.

Munira Khayyat
Anthropologist, war ecologies in South Lebanon
Rachid Khechana
Tunisian Writer and Journalist.
Abdessamad Khediri
PhD student in Sociology and Anthropology, Chaieb Doukkali University of Jadida, Morocco

Intissar Kherigi
Salim Khiat
Researcher in anthropology - Algeria

Brigitte Khoury
Vice Chair, Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut (AUB)

Stephen Kidd
CEO and Principal Social Security Specialist – Development Pathways

Bassma Kodmani
Former Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative

Marie Kortam
Researcher at the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo)

Dr. Tara Korti
Research and Evidence Animator - Christian Aid
Michèle Kosremelli Asmar
Associate Professor at Université Saint-Joseph and Director of the Higher Institute of Public Health

Cynthia Kreidy
Policy Analyst, Millennium Institute

Khawla Ksiksi

Nitish Kumar
PhD Scholar at Jamia Millia Islamia

Radha Kumar

Ezzan Kunna
Sudanese public health expert and writer

Dr. Atallah Kuttab
Chairman and Founder of SAANED for Philanthropy Advisory in the Arab Region

Taher Labadi
PhD in economics from Paris-Dauphine University in France

Zine Labidine Ghebouli
Consultant and scholar on Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and Algerian politics

Malek Lakhal
Research Fellow - Tunis
Karima Lazali
Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst

Reinoud Leenders
Associate Professor - King’s College London

Felix Legrand
Independent researcher and consultant working on Syria.
Clóvis Henrique Leite de Souza

Clémentine Lienard
Executive Trainee, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris

Chiara Loschi
Scholar of waste management in Tunisia

Imen Louati
Political Ecology Program Manager at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, North Africa Office

Adel Ltifi
Lecturer in contemporary history of the Arab World at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3.
Derek Lutterbeck
Deputy Director and Holder of the Swiss Chair at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Malta.
Benjamin Lydon
Joelle M. Abi-Rached
Invited Researcher at the École normale supérieure and Associate Researcher at Sciences Po

John M. Carey
Professor of Government, Dartmouth College

Dima M. Toukan
Development Practitioner and Researcher

Lassaâd M'Sahli
Secretary General, Tunisia's Pharmaceuticals Science Society
Amani Maalouf
Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford - UK.
Habib Maalouf

Olivia Macharis
Issam Fares Institute on Public Policy and International Affairs in Beirut

Mariem Madhi
Environmental Politics Program Intern, PhD student
Abidine Maettalla
Mauritanian Activist

Shaimaa Magued
Associate Professor at Cairo University
Faisal Mahboub

Azzam Mahjoub
Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Tunis.

Rustom Mahmoud
Syrian writer and researcher

Rayan Majed
Lebanese journalist and researcher
Ziad Majed
Political Scientist and Associate Professor at AUP

Tala Majzoub
Research Assistant

Othman Makhon
Member and Former Secretary General, Espace Associatif - Morocco
Ayssen Makni
Karim Mallak
Antoine Maltais
French researcher.

Dina Mandour
PhD Candidate at Université Paris

Maged Mandour
Egyptian political analyst

Mohamed Mandour
Middle East and North Africa Researcher, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Afifa Mannai
Researcher in political sciences and former university professor
Diana Mansour
Tahdir Programme Director

Khaled Mansour
Non-resident Senior Fellow

Kholoud Mansour
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Syria)
Rida Marae
Legal Researcher and Lawyer, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

Ana Maria Munoz-Boudet
Senior Social Scientist in the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice
Christophe Maroun
Environmental Justice Program Manager, Heinrich Böll Foundation - MENA

Dima Marrawi
Advocacy and Communications Manager, SAMS

Alexander Martin
Assistant Professor, South Mediterranean University-MedTech

Luis Martinez
Senior Research Fellow, CERI- Sciences Po, Paris.
Rafael Martinez
Professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona. Associated researcher, CIDOB

Mohammed Masbah
Director of the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis

Fatmé Masri
Project Director - SAWT

Stephan Massing
World Bank Group

Mohammed Islem Mbarki
Brent McCann
Consultant at Camber Collective, USA

Sahar Mechmech
Inclusive Economies Manager – The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)

Daraj Media
Ahmed Mefreh
Director, Committee for Justice

Zaki Mehchy
Associate Fellow (Chatham House) and Policy Fellow (LSE)
Pascal Ménoret
Research Fellow, King Faisal Foundation for Research and Islamic Studies
Franck Mermier

Jad Mezher
Researcher with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung MENA

Mario Mikhail
Egyptian researcher

Elsy Milan
PhD candidate at Imperial College London
Anware Mnasri
Judge at the Administrative Court

Ibrahim Mneimneh
Member of the Lebanese Parliament
Marwa Mohamed
Head of Advocacy and Outreach, Lawyers for Justice in Libya
Omar Mohammed
Adjunct Lecturer, Sciences Po Paris and PhD Candidate, EHESS -CETOBAC

Sahar Mohammed
Yemeni Researcher

Munia Mohammed Hassan Thabet
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Yemen)

Ahmed Mohsen
Doctoral researcher, Sabah Zaim University, Istanbul
Habiba Mohsen
Researcher at the Arab Forum for Alternatives and programme co-ordinator at the Asfari Institute in Beirut.

Sherif Mohy El Deen
consultant in interdisciplinary social science fields

Ahmed Mokhtar
SPP Intern

Wejdene Mokrani
Wejdene Mokrani has a Masters degree in Public Law and Political Sciences from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tunis El Manar.

Zeina Moneer
Egyptian environmental politics researcher
Samir Morcos
Researcher, one of the drafters of Al-Azhar document, and member of the Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression.

Ahmed Morsy
Senior Researcher, MENA Program at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) / Co-founder of the Arab Political Science Network (APSN)
Dana Moss
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame

Jamil Mouawad
Assistant Professor of Politics and Policy, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration (AUB)
El Mouhoub Mouhoud
Professor of Economics at Paris-Dauphine University.
Youssef Mounsif
Researcher at the Moroccan Centre for Social Sciences in Ain Chock, Casablanca

Ali Mourad
Assistant Professor of Public Law - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Karen-Jo Mourad Karam
Environmental Politics Program Intern

Nada Mousa
Mozilla Tech & Society Fellow

Nayla Moussa

Camille Mroue
Program Coordinator - Environmental Politics

Siba Mroueh
SPP Intern | MSc Anthropology of Politics, Violence and Crime, University College London.
Mustafa Muhammad
Algerian writer and journalist.
Sudipto Mukerjee
UNDP resident representative in Syria

Alaa Murrar
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)

Salih Mustafa
Researcher in international relations and political science in the Sudanese Center for Policy

Bedirhan Erdem Mutlu
Intern - Tunisian Affairs

Houda Mzioudet

Suzan Nada
Labor and legal activist, MENAFEM Movement

Nada Nader
Deputy Director for Operations and Fundraising
Sami Nader
Director of the Institute of Political Science at Saint Joseph University
Hatem Nafti

Hisham Nagi
Head of Environmental Sciences Department, Sana'a University

Mohamed Nagi Alassam
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Omar Nashabe
Lecturer at the Lebanese American University and Criminal Justice analyst
Mona Nasrallah
Associate Professor - Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, American University of Beirut
Aya Nassar
PhD student at the University of Warwick, UK.

Yara Nassar
Electoral law expert

Rabie Nasser
Co-founder, Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR)

Reema Nazzal
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)

Berfin Necimoğlu
Programme Coordinator

Adib Nehmeh
Development Consultant

Claire Nicoll
Save the Children Conflict & Humanitarian Advocacy Advisor

Seréna Nilsson Rabia
PhD Fellow in Political Science

Zina Nimeh
Associate Professor of Public Policy – UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University

Asma Nouira
Professor of Political Science and Law at the University of El-Manar, Tunisia.
Saker El Nour

Selma Nour
Engineer, SPA Member
Sufian Obaidat

Jessica Obeid
Independent energy policy consultant

Suha Oda
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)
Ibrahim Olabi
Barrister, Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers

Ibrahim Olleik
EPP Intern
Mohammed Omar Ahmed
Lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the Puntland State University, and Editor-in-Chief of the media network Somalia Today.

Mansour Omari
Syrian human rights defender and legal researcher

Khalid Omer
Previous Sudanese Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Member of Central Council of Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), Member of the Sudanese Congress Party Political Bureau

Peace and Freedom Organization

Sabel Ortiz
Initiative for Policy Dialogue

Magued Osman
Director – Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera)
Bashir Osmat
Former advisor to the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs

Khalid Othman El-Fil
Researcher in development studies and political economy
Mohammad Lemine Ould Bah
Mauritanian Lawyer and Human Rights Activist
Bouraoui Ouni
Senior Program Manager, Search For Common Ground - Tunisia

Saida Ounissi
Freelance consultant
Adel Ourabah
Mohamed Outahar
Mohamed Outaher is a researcher in the sociology of religion and gender.
Katia Papagianni
Head of the Mediation Support Programme at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva.

Melissa Pawson
Freelance Journalist

Luca Pellerano
Senior Social Protection Specialist, ILO Regional Office for Arab States

Georges Philippe Al Achkar
EPP Research Intern - MA Student in Public Policy and International Affairs, American University of Beirut (AUB)
Audrey Pluta
Doctoral student, Political Science, Sciences Po Aix
Stéphanie Pouessel
Anthropologist and urban mobility consultant in Tunisia

Colin Powers
Noria Research - MENA Program

Stefano Prato
Managing Director, Society for International Development (SID)

Miriam Puttick
Head of Middle East and North Africa Programmes, Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights

Dalia Qassem
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Yemen)
Rory Quick
Masters student, Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment, University College London

Ghina R. Mumtaz
Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, American University of Beirut

Mouin Rabbani
Independent analyst, commentator and researcher specializing in the contemporary Middle East
Iman Ragab

Nora Jasmin Ragab
Postdoctoral Researcher, UNU-MERIT / Maastricht University
Fatma Ramadan
Director of the Political Participation Program for Women and Youth at the Egyptian Women’s Affairs Foundation.

Mohamed Ramadan
Economics Researcher

Farah Ramzy
PhD student at the University of Nanterre, Paris.

Shahra Razavi
Director of the Social Protection Department at the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Hamadi Redissi
Professor of Public Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tunis.

Sarah Anne Rennick
Deputy Director

Roland Riachi
Scholar of political ecology of food and water in the MENA

Layla Riahi
Researcher and activist
Michael Robbins
Director of the Arab Barometer

Salim Rouhana
Program Leader for Sustainable Development Sectors
Zied Rouine
Director, Mnemty Association
Noha Roushdy
Cultural Anthropologist

Kali Rubaii
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Purdue University

Susana Ruiz
Global Lead on Tax Justice – Oxfam International
Mostafa S. Adib
The head of the Centre for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (CESMO), based in Lebanon and France (http://www.cesmo.org).

Sarah Saadoun
Senior Researcher and Advocate, Human Rights Watch
Abdallah Saaf
Director of the Centre for Studies and Research in Social Sciences at Mohammed V University.

Nazeeha Saeed
Ossama Safa
Director of the Lebanese Center for Political Studies (LCPS)

Karim Safieddine
Non-Resident Fellow
Abdulaziz Sager

Nizar Saghieh
Executive Director - The Legal Agenda

Cynthia Saghir
Social Protection Policy Advisor
Mohamed Sahbi Khalfaoui
Mohamed Sahbi Khalfaoui is a Lecturer and researcher at the faculty of legal, economic and accounting sciences, Jendouba, Tunisia.
Atef Said

Elham Said
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Syria)
Omar Said
Yemeni journalist and researcher.

Salam Said
Director of the Economic Policies for Social Justice Projects – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in MENA

Salma Sakr
Advocacy and communications manager at the Anti-Racism Movement Lebanon
Mahmoud Salah

Noor Salaheldin Humaida
Social Media Intern
Pascale Salameh
Professor of Epidemiology - Lebanese University
Elizabeth Saleh
Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the American University of Beirut
Hossein Salehi
Iranian political analyst and commentator
Paul Salem
Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Middle East Center in Beirut

Najat Saliba
Khaddit Beirut

Saad Salloum
Assistant Professor of International Relations at the College of Political Science in Al-Mustansiryah University

Lana Salman
Researcher in Urban Governance and International Development
Omar Samir
Denisa Sarajlic-Maglic
Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ahmed Sassi
One of the Founders of Génération Anti-Marginalisation
Abdel Sattar Hatita
Egyptian Novelist and Journalist in the daily Pan-Arab "Al-Sharq Al-Awsat" newspaper.
Elham Saudi
Director, Lawyers for Justice in Libya
Wael Sawah
Syrian journalist and writer
Abdel Moneim Sayed Ahmed
Assistant and field researcher

Yezid Sayigh
Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center - Beirut

Arwa Sebbagh
Advocacy Officer, Aswat Nisaa

Narcís Serra
Leila Seurat

Omar Shaban Ismail
CEO of Palthink for Strategic Studies

Lisa Shahin
Advocacy and Research Officer
Yara Shahin

Zeina Shahla
Environment editor and journalist, Raseef22
Abdelkhalig Shaib
Lawyer and Legal Counsel

Youssef Sharaf
Political Economist

Hajer Sharief
Co-founder and Senior Project Manager, Together We Build It
Yasmine Shash
Independent researcher

Yahia Shawkat
Co-founder and Research Coordinator, 10 Tooba
Dina Shehata
Researcher at the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.

Mostafa Shehata
Assistant Professor, Menoufia University, Egypt

Ismael Sheikh Hassan
Urbanist and activist

Hassan Sherry
Lebanese American University
Khalil Shikaki
Director at the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research.

Wasfiya Shikho
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Iraq)
Maha Shuayb
Director of the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS)

Zaki Shubber
Lawyer and independent consultant

Ola Sidani
Development Economist and Public Policy Expert
Baker Sidqi
Syrian writer.

Lena Simet
Senior Researcher and Advocate on Poverty and Inequality – Human Rights Watch

Mac Skelton
Director, American University of Iraq's Institute of Regional and International Studies
Hania Sobhy
Visiting Scholar, Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Marburg

Jeannie Sowers
Scholar of environmental politics in the Middle East
Zeinab Srour
Assistant researcher
Gerald Stang
Expert on democratic transitions, energy politics and foresight in international relations.

Georgi Stickels
Senior Environmental Manager, UNRWA
Egyptian student

Ahmad Sukkar
Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah, UAE

Khaled Sulaiman
Iraqi journalist of environmental issues in MENA
Said Sultan al Hashimi
Omani Researcher and Writer
Veton Surroi
Chairman of the Board, Foreign Policy Club, Kosovo
Konrad Sztyler
Ahmed Tabaqchali
CIO of Asia Frontier Capital Iraq Fund & Adjunct Assistant Professor at AUIS

Kamal Tabikha
Cairo-based correspondent for The National

Leena Taha
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Syria)

Yaseen Taha Mohammed
Iraqi Researcher

Jawad Taher
Water & Development Advisor & Consultant

Shereen Talaat
Director of MenaFem Movement for Economic Development and Ecological Justice

Alaa Talbi
Executive Director, FTDES
Omar Taleb
Lawyer, Researcher, Activist (Lebanon)
Imru Al Qays Talha Jebril
Fellow researcher with the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis (MIPA) and the Co-Founder of A&K Advisors
Firas Talhouk
Project Coordinator - SAWT

Jina Talj
Executive director of Diaries of the Ocean (DOTO)
Claire Talon
Senior Research Fellow
Ahmad Tamer
Director General of Land and Maritime Transport, Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Lebanon)
Hossam Tammam
Late Egyptian Researcher on Islamic movements.

Manon-Nour Tannous
PhD candidate at Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) and Research Associate to the Contemporary Arab History Chair at Collège de France
Lotfi Tarchouna
Professor of Public Law at the University of Sousse, Tunisia.
Mohammad Tariq

Alaa Tartir
Research Associate at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding

Dr. Alaa Tartir
Senior Researcher and Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Marta Tawil Kuri
Research professor - Center for International Studies - El Colegio de México on International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, and Middle East Politics.
Jean Tawilé
Rachid Tlemçani
University Professor, Algiers.

Amal Tobich
E-Learning and Outreach Analyst, UNDP IRH
Mari Toivanen
Academy Research Fellow, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki

Armenak Tokmajyan
Research Associate at Tampere Peace Research Institute (Tapri), Finland.

Diana Tonea
Strategic Consortium Advisor/Consultant

Malak Touma
Freelance journalist
Abdellah Tourabi
Moroccan journalist and researcher.

Rim Turkmani
Syria Research Director and Senior Research Fellow, London School for Economics

Dr.Ahmad Rizky M. Umar
Sessional Lecturer at the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland
Ulfat Usta
Director - American University of Beirut Medical Center Pharmacy
Augusto Varas
Chairman of the Organization Aquetas (EQUITAS), Chile.

Álvaro Vasconcelos
(Former) Associate Senior Researcher at the Arab Reform Initiative
Ward Vloeberghs
Tamer Wageeh
Egyptian journalist

Dina Wahba
Postdoctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin at the Department of History and Cultural studies

Noura Wahby
Scholar of urban waterscapes in Egypt

Abeer Wakid
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Yemen)

Alex Walsh
Independent researcher specialising in security governance
Nawaf Wasfi Tell
Director of the Center for Strategic Studies, Jordan

Jessica Watkins
PhD candidate at the War Studies Department, King's College London.
Mohamed Wazif
PhD candidate at Hassan II University, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences in Casablanca.

Jan Wilkens
Folkert Woudstra

Zeead Yaghi
Researcher on Food Sovereignty in Lebanon and University Lecturer

Maha Yahya
Director of the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center

Charfeddine Yakoubi
The National Coordinator of the Tunisian coalition for transparency in Energy and Mining

Léa Yammine
Creative and Researcher
Nasser Yassin
Minister of Environment, Lebanon
Nuhad Yazbik Dumit
Associate Professor, School of Nursing at the American University of Beirut
Jehad Yazigi
Jihad Yazigi
Editor in chief of the Syria Report
Rana Yazigi

Zenia Yonus
PhD candidate, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Farah Youssef
Research Fellow - Syria
Algerian researcher

Abderrafie Zaanoun
Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Tetouan

Zahiyah Faraj Ali
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Libya)
Ali Zaid Al Zu’abi
Professor in Anthropology, Department of Sociology at the University of Kuwait.
Atiaf Zaid Alwazir
Development consultant, researcher and blogger based in Sana'a, Yemen.

Jalal Zain Aldin
Syrian researcher and journalist.
Agadid Zakaria

Kheder Zakaria
President of the Syrian Association for Social Sciences and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies, Doha.
Lamia Zaki
Independent consultant on urban, governance and decentralization issues in MENA.

Mariam Zakout
SAWT Fellow 2022-2023 (Palestine)

Fatiha Zamamouche
Algerian researcher in media and communication sciences

Lamia Zargouni
Judge and Former Member of the Independent High Authority for Elections in Tunisia
Mohamad Zbib
Economic Journalist

Mourad Zenasni

Saloua Zerhouni
Professor of Political Science at Mohamed V University in Rabat
Khaled Ziadeh
Director, Arab Center for Research and Studies (Beirut)

Genevieve Zingg
Legal Fellow at the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre

Mohamed Zmerli
National Focal Point (Tunisia), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Amenah Zubi
President and Founder, Jordanian Women's Union

Tobias Zumbraegel
Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the department for Human Geography at Heidelberg University.

Mahjoob Zweiri, PhD
Director of Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University

Wim Zwijnenburg
Project Leader Humanitarian Disarmament