The Arab Reform Initiative is dedicated to supporting and empowering MENA’s new generation of political and social actors in their pursuit of participatory politics, social justice, accountability, equal citizenship, and representation. As a natural extension of our work in empowering new actors, ARI is currently working on supporting youth trajectories in conflict or transition, with the former focusing particularly on Syria, Iraq, and Libya and the latter on Tunisia, Lebanon, and Algeria. In 2020-2022, we will focus on conducting research on how youth have navigated and been impacted by conflict and transition, as well as exploring their visions for political participation and aspirations for their future and livelihoods. Through this work, we seek to promote youth integration by influencing programming and policies in order to ensure they are effectively engaged, and to ultimately have their political and economic inclusion be in line with their own aspirations and ambitions as young and politically active members of society. We also aim to provide youth with opportunities for South-South exchange and learning. The project contributes to the successful implementation of the Youth, Peace, and Security agenda in MENA by providing stakeholders with evidence-based research on what meaningful participation of youth in peacebuilding processes means and looks like in practice.