Stephen J. King
Professor of Government at Georgetown University
Stephen J. King teaches at Georgetown University. He is the author of The Arab Winter: Democratic Consolidation, Civil War, and Radical Islamists (Cambridge University Press, 2020), The New Authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa (Indiana University Press, 2009), and Liberalization Against Democracy: The Local Politics of Economic Reform in Tunisia (Indiana University Press, 2003). He is co-editor of The Lure of Authoritarianism: The Maghreb After the Arab Spring (Indiana University Press, 2019).

Racialized Hereditary Slavery in Mauritania: Interview with Activist Abidine Maettalla

Ending Hereditary Slavery in Mauritania: Bidan (Whites) and Black “Slaves” in 2021

Democracy and Progress towards Racial Equality in Tunisia: Interview with Zied Rouine

Black Algerians: Voices from a Community that is Still Too Invisible

Invisibility and Negrophobia in Algeria