#GlobalSyria  Closing Statement: Dr. Bassma Kodmani

Closing Statement: Dr. Bassma Kodmani - Global Syria Launch Forum, Institut du monde arabe 13 April 2018

Eminent Figures of Syrian Diaspora Launch Civil Initiative

On 13 April 2018, a group of eminent figures of the Syrian #diaspora, women and men, launched #Global_Syria, a civil initiative that includes representatives from all facets of Syrian society whose main objective is to reach out to and open opportunities for all #Syrians wherever they live inside and outside the country.

#Global_Syria was started by the #Arab_Reform_Initaitve and #Pax_Syriana_Foundation in partnership with The Asfari Foundation.

Participants in #Global_Syria event have reached a draft Code of Ethics that will be made public soon.

In addition, they have reached several positive outcomes. They agreed to join resources and talent and organize to become a strategic player speaking for the future of Syria.

During the event, a series of sculptures of Syrian artist Khaled Dawwa, entitled ‘’Debout!’’ (Stand Up!), was presented.

The event was held at Institut du monde arabe in Paris and was supported by Ford Foundation and The Asfari Foundation.