Monarchy in Morocco is a sacred institution and plays the role of arbitrator. It is a key actor as well as a key factor in the reform process. The current monarchy’s political reform policies are always presented as a continuation of what has already been achieved, respectively Hassan II’s social reforms followed Mohammad V’s steps to independence. Today, the host of reform domains and aspects compels the monarchy to present the situation as a comprehensive scenario in many episodes (administrative, legal, economic, civil status, educational and religious). It appears clearly in the monarchy’s “Social Project”. The declared aim of this project is to build “a modern society whose objective is to foster a state based on the rule of law; renew, upgrade and modernise administrative methods; restore the dignity of social and environmental solidarity, activate the role of civil society, revive economic development, and encourage public and private investments.” It also aims to “launch a comprehensive development process and an economic process that aims at employment opportunities for the younger; raise the standard of rural areas, of various sectors of society and underprivileged areas, and rehabilitate human resources.”
The views represented in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Arab Reform Initiative, its staff, or its board.