We envision universal social protection systems with social protection floors which offer basic social security guarantees to all residents and not only citizens regardless of whether they can contribute or not.
- Farah Al-Shami, Social Protection Program Director
Join our community of practice and knowledge! Sign our declaration which aims at unifying our discourses on “building universal social protection systems in turbulent Arab contexts.”
This declaration ensued from a focal meeting on “Expanding Social Protection in Times of Crisis: Challenges, Opportunities, and Spaces for Collaboration” that brought together researchers, activists, and practitioners working on social protection in the Arab region. The meeting was organized by the Arab Region Hub for Social Protection in Beirut, Lebanon on 30 June 2022. The declaration was later amended based on discussions during the Hub’s first regional policy forum that was held on 7-8 December 2022 in Beirut, and the feedback of a myriad of experts and civil society representatives from the region.
This declaration outlines the signatories’ proposed approach to make social protection schemes in the Arab region more integrated, effective, inclusive, and viable. In doing so, it aims to consolidate a community of practice and knowledge – one that builds on the existing ecosystem working on socioeconomic rights in the Arab States. It seeks to be a working document that can help coordinate approaches and advocacy, and it strives to turn the duplication of efforts into dialogue, exchange, partnerships, and cooperation to join forces, make a stronger impact, and ultimately achieve our shared goals.
Sign this declaration to join our collective efforts to advocate for better social protections at national, regional, and global policy platforms for civil society and academia in the coming months!
Please note the following:
- Feedback on this declaration is always welcome. Please send your comments and suggestions to f.alshami@arab-reform.net.
- Signatories will be regularly updated on any modifications to the declaration.
- If you are interested in and working on social protection policies in the Arab region, you can sign as an organization or in your individual capacity.
- We will keep updating the list of signatories on a regular basis.
- You can sign up to receive ARI’s social protection newsletter and that of the Arab Region Hub for Social Protection through this link
The views represented in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Arab Reform Initiative, its staff, or its board.